Another very important part of a 50th birthday is the 50th birthday cards. Any gift must be accompanied by a card; it’s like an unspoken rule of birthday gift giving. And a fiftieth birthday is a milestone event so you really want to make the best of it. When someone close to you is turning 50, even more so than a 40th birthday or a 60th birthday, you want to celebrate it fully.
A person only turns half a century once and this is a great time to have a big birthday bash, even if you don’t normally have a birthday party every year. And because it’s such an important milestone birthday, you need to make sure these cards are over the top!
50th Birthday Cards That Are Just Right
When you want to make a big impression on a special person on their big day, it pays to take the time to think about the perfect card first. Today we have more options in store-bought cards than ever before so there is literally something for every need and person in your life. There are also blank cards that allow you to be more flexible and write your own note inside before giving it to someone you care about.
Apart from store-bought cards, you can make your own card. Handmade cards and gifts are great for that extra special touch, or to give to someone you know is sentimental and enjoys these types of heartfelt gifts.
You don’t have to be an artist or even an expert at making crafts to make your own card. I’ll give you some examples in more detail below but you can get as creative as you want with it. This might mean buying a blank card and then filling it in yourself or drawing a picture on it, or it could mean making something from card stock and/or construction paper, or it could be even more elaborate than that if you’re a particularly crafty person. There’s no right or wrong way to do it when it comes from the heart.
With that said, let’s get into the birthday card ideas now. I think you’ll enjoy some of the fun designs I recommend and you’re sure to find the perfect happy birthday card for your needs.
The Perfect Store-Bought Card
With store-bought cards, it is always important to take extra time to find the perfect cards. As I mentioned above, there are so many cards out there. The selection is huge and can even feel overwhelming. Not to mention, many of these cards are more generic and some people just skim through them and toss them aside for the gift.
If you take the time to pick out a perfect one, they will want to cherish it and won’t throw it away like it’s a piece of junk mail. So, rather than picking up the first birthday card you see, take some time to read through them and choose the perfect one with the right message and the right art on it.
Never just pick up one card, buy it and sign your name! It is not personalized or special in any way. Take your time, read through a bunch of the cards – there’s always something that will just be perfect for you if you take the time to look.
Once you find this perfect birthday card (buy it of course!) then write something in it – not just “love, me” or “happy birthday”. Again, take some time and put some thought into a few lines you can write to just tell that special person to have a great day and what they mean to you (if you need help, we have a whole page dedicated to 50th birthday messages). This is how you take a simple, store-bought card and take it to the next level to become something extra special.
I find a quick joke or one line about how much you love them can work. It doesn’t have to be lengthy, just a short and sweet message.
Funny Happy 50th Birthday Cards
If you’re looking for a funny 50th birthday card, then you’re also in luck. There are many hilarious cards that poke fun at the idea of aging and you can use these if the person you’re giving to is a jokester. You can also take a regular or non-funny card and make it funny by adding your own funny message inside.
Here are some sayings you might have on your funny 50th birthday cards or write them inside them:
- Keep calm, you’re only 50
- Happy 50th! You deserve ALL the chocolate
- These aren’t wrinkles; they’re character lines… and I’m quite a character
What better way to say best wishes on the big day than with a big laugh? These funny happy 50th birthday cards can help you do exactly that. Here are some that are available to purchase on Amazon and you can have them shipped right to your door to save you time and money. Then, just sign and go!
Funny Milestone Birthday Card
When you look 21, you feel 17, and you act 12, that all adds up to 50!
All Grown Up Funny Card
Look who’s all grown up and ready for a colonoscopy! A funny card about aging.
50th Birthday Cards for Women
When you want to send happy 50th birthday wishes to a special woman in your life, you may be looking for the perfect card. You can buy a card, like the ideas below:
Unicorn 50-Year-Old Card
This one is sure to make her laugh. It’s a unicorn dancing on a pole to show her how fabulous she really is.
Cute and Pretty Happy 50th Birthday Card for Her
This one also comes with really cute stickers!
50 is Like the New 30
This bright and colorful card says that 50 is the new 30. It’s fun and cute!
Or, you can also make your 50th birthday cards for women. When considering great cards for women, you might try cross-stitch 50th birthday cards. There are patterns you can find online to make just about anything you want into a card.
Crafty and Handmade 50th Birthday Cards
In my opinion, a homemade card is the best way to give a card! I swear by homemade cards – and very rarely give people store-bought ones! My family has come to expect handmade cards.
Making your own cards is a great opportunity to connect with your birthday person in a way you simply can’t do with a store-bought card by relating to shared experiences.
With homemade cards, you’ve got endless possibilities for ideas. Decide what kind of card you want to make – funny, touching, romantic, childish, etc. From there decide what you want to say in the card, and brainstorm a layout. Every good card needs a blueprint. With this blueprint, you can easily create your masterpiece!
And if you need ideas for the birthday card message go to this page, after you finish this one, of course.
Some materials you can use for these 50th birthday cards are:
- construction paper
- markers
- crayons
- pencil crayons
- glitter or paint
- stencils
- cutouts
- pipe cleaners
- pom poms
- ribbon
- pictures
A great source of images is, where you can find free or low-cost photos and graphics of all sizes. Many images on this site came from Canva.
How To Make Your Own Free 50th Birthday Cards

Free birthday clip-art from Pixabay
But, if you’re looking for 50th birthday clipart or over-the-hill clipart, check out these ideas.
You can easily make free 50th birthday cards yourself, especially eCards, by using free clipart. You may have discovered that in the world of graphics, images, photos, and art, that there are all kinds of complications with regard to using images created by others.
Copyright, attribution requirements, and ethical considerations make it all so very difficult to know when you can or cannot use clipart and other images.
Well, here is the solution: There is an organization that provides a completely free collection of clipart donated to the world by the artists who created them.
Their works are public domain which means free and anyone can use them, even without attribution.
This collection is thousands of pages of clipart image links, so it takes quite a bit of time to browse through and find just the right picture for your free cards.
Pixabay has images like confetti, party hats and decorations, characters, and themes that you might be able to turn into funny cards or decorations.
You may even find characters and themes to make your own over-the-hill clipart.
How to use these free clipart images to make cards
If you have access to image editing software, you can choose multiple images and put them together to make your own unique and free birthday cards.
But if you don’t have the software already installed, there are editors online that you can use for free to do the same thing, like Canva I mentioned above. This is, in fact, my favorite. All you need to do is to update your favorite clip-art (or search Canva’s database, as they have thousands of free images too), and then arrange your images the way you like them. It’s simple to drag the images to different positions.
Good luck and let me know how it goes!
Handmade 50th Birthday Cards for Men
Although it’s a gender stereotype, it might seem easier to make a handmade card for a woman than handmade 50th birthday cards for men. That said, men can enjoy homemade cards just as much, especially if they are the sentimental type themselves, or if the card is coming from someone very special to them. If you need a 50th birthday card for your husband, brother, father, or son, this could be a good route to go.
Here are some ideas for handmade cards for the men in your life:
- draw his favorite activity on the card
- put photos of him at different stages of life on the card
- create your own custom jokes for the card
- put his own “dad jokes” on the card
- use quotes he’s always saying on his card
These are just a few ideas to get you started. The best part about a handmade card is that it quite literally is what you make of it, so feel free to do whatever feels right and good to you.
Large 50th Birthday Cards
When you want to make a big and bold statement, consider these large 50th birthday cards. They also make hilarious gag gifts and are sure to bring a smile to the guest of honor’s face. They’re also great for when you want a lot of people to be able to sign the same card. Here are some examples.
BIG Happy Birthday from All of Us Jumbo Card
Here’s a great card with a sweet message and plenty of room for everyone to sign.
Black and Gold Happy 50th Birthday Card
Here’s a large card on quality card stock in traditional gold and black colors.
Big Dot of Happiness Black and Gold Jumbo 50th Birthday Card
And finally, here’s another black and gold option but with a slightly different design and it’s even bigger than the one above!
50th Birthday Ecards
50th birthday eCards are a really convenient way to send greeting cards to your friends, especially if they are far away. eCards (electronic cards) are popular and are a great way to save some trees and help the environment too! Not to mention saving money if you make them yourself.
Sometimes it seems like e-cards are very generic and looked at as a last-minute card – like you forgot and just jumped online and sent the first one you saw.
That doesn’t have to be the case!
What better way to show that than to send a personalized eCard or even create your own. If you don’t want to purchase a commercial eCard, you can use our examples below to recreate an eCard yourself or make it into your own.
Get Your 50th Birthday Ecards
Even if you’re not feeling creative or have skills or time to work with graphics programs, you could always search “eCard” websites and pick something appropriate.
Birthday eCards can be sentimental, funny, inspiring, or complimentary. Poke fun, tease, share your love…
Choose the one that best suits the receiving person’s personality, background, or profession. When you match a card to the person well, it will make more of an impact on their big day.
Be sure to check back often as more will be added in the near future!
E-cards Can Be Fun and Solve the Last Minute Dilemma
In this age of connectedness, electronic birthday greetings and e-cards are more common than ever. Also, people are more scattered about than they used to be.
E-cards are easier than regular mail – and you can almost be sure they get there on time IF you get the address right!
You can even create them and set them up to send on a specific day – so a week before you can do it and you will ensure you don’t forget that special day! With these e-cards, you can write whatever you want underneath them, but the same as a store-bought card – take your time and find the perfect one!
To make sure you have just the perfect greetings or wishes in these 50th birthday cards or 50th birthday ecards, check out other pages on my site for great wishes, greetings, and messages.
50th Birthday Greetings
We’ve got plenty of ideas for great 50th birthday greetings. Now, if you have made your own 50th birthday card, you may be stuck with the question of …
“What should I write inside the card??”
These birthday greetings will give a nice touch to these cards! Even if you are buying a card, you still want something funny or touching to write inside. It’s always touching to add more than just a generic Happy Birthday… Especially on their big 5-0!
These 50th birthday greetings are not limited to being used in cards, you can also use them in things like:
- speeches
- cakes
- t-shirts
- keychains
- invitations
- and more!
The possibilities are endless!
Over the years I have come across many different birthday greetings, and so I thought I would put them all together here… you can look through them and see if any fit perfectly for you!
NOTE: Just like some of my other pages, these greetings were not all my own creations… I have stumbled upon these throughout the years. If any of these are yours and you would like credit for them, please feel free to contact me and I will be sure to give you the dues for the greeting. I can also remove them if I am violating any copyright laws.
- Let’s party like it’s _____ (enter their year of birth)!!
- Ain’t it nifty, look who’s fifty!
- You’re 50! Isn’t it great! Let’s celebrate!
- Now that you’ve got the gold, you can share it with me!
- Still fabulous at 50!
- Celebrating my 24th birthday for the 26th time!
- It’s your 50th birthday, let me be the first to congratulate you!
- 50 is a great age! Old enough to know better.
- 50! Oh no, it’s the F word!
- Only 50, hahaha! In cat years you would be a hundred and twelve!
- Took me 50 years to look this good!
- 50 – cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
- 27 years ago, I was thinking “in 16 years I’m going to be 30!”
- Half a century young!
- 18,263 days old but who’s counting!
These are just a few of the many different 50th birthday greetings that are out there. As I come across more I will be sure to add on to this list to give you the most variety that I can!
As mentioned, these can be used in a number of different things.
50th Birthday Cards – Conclusion
In addition to the best 50th birthday card for sending your birthday wishes, you may also want to get some special party invitations to invite all the friends and family you want to the big event. These birthday cards and ideas can help you share the good news of your special person at a special age during the 50th birthday celebration.
Take your time and have fun with it. A birthday card is a very important part of any gift. I’m sure you have just tossed those boring ones aside and ended up throwing them away. If you make the card special it will be kept for years to come!
50th Birthday Sayings - 80 Unforgettable Slogans For A Great Celebration - Major Birthdays
Tuesday 30th of November 2021
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